Friday, July 20, 2012

July 8th, 1:15-9:30 p.m.

I showed up early to the theater to help out Jolie. We decided to make squirrel ears. After that I went upstairs. I sat there while the tech crew had their rehearsal since I can not help them then I went back into the Green Room where costume and makeup is. I learned all the ques I needed to do during the actual show.  I had to make sure the street kids got into their aprons and cook hats. I helped them get all tied up and one actress went from onstage to back onstage so I was there with her apron and hat and her props to help her. Then, I made sure they got all hung up and that the kids got their hats and scarves. Then after intermission, I made sure they got that back and went and waited to grab the blueberry off of Violet. She went from offstage then right away went into the open Candy Shack to sing. So when she would come off, I grabbed the arm holes and pulled it off her and brought it back downstairs.

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