Friday, July 20, 2012

July 7th, 12:30 p.m.- 12.a.m.

I showed up and was helping out others with their projects. I saw that the wonkavator was finally there. I helped Jamie peel off the paper from the plexiglas so he could go right into putting the gate together. I then helped Gabe. He wanted me to peel the paper of the whitish buttons and hot glue them over each of the wholes that were cut out of the wonkavator back wall. Then I hot glued a giant one of them, then a thin wooden ring, then a circular piece of thin would that had a W carved out of it. That was the Wonka button to push to move. After gluing on the buttons, we were missing one. I had no idea how to find one similar but Jamie did. He took the lens out of a flashlight and I went and cut light gels that were that size in a red color. I hot glued it together and glued it on. After that project, I had to take the big wooden carved W and spray paint it gold. After it dried, I glued it to the thin wood on the giant button. After that I painted the underside of both platforms because you could see the bare wood from the audience. I also touched up and painted some of the blue pipes. The blue pipes are cardboard tubes that went around wooden posts. I also got black material and cut it to correct lengths to mask the back of the platforms so you could not see anything going on behind it. Later on, Jamie, Kate and I decided to add more pipes around the giant chocolate pipe. We had cardboard tubes and connectors for them. One tube was green, the connector was purple and the side tube coming off was orange. For the other tube there was only a base. So, Kate came up with an idea to cut off part of the tube and use it as a connector. We cut it and then I painted it green with the connector being purple. While I held it down, Jamie stapled it together nice and tight. After putting them up with Jamie and Kate, I went outside and put polyurethane on the boxes.

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