Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tuesday 7-8:30 p.m.

     I met Kate at the Bonifas Center. Kate is the art designer and the Bonifas Center is where the show is being Held. We went through and got supplies for a workshop she is putting on for the kids who did not make the cut. It will held on Thursday. She is going to have the kids draw and color what they see when they imagine every room in the factory. From what they draw, we are going to take their ideas and see if we can incorporate them in some way.
     We also discussed the Wonka gate. I was put in charge of creating this Wonka gate. I am having Kate help me with it because I have not created a gate before. So, we sat down and found the perfect gate to inspire us. Now, I am onto drawing up the Wonka gate so that it will be ready to build. Also, Kate showed me some of the props that she got. She had some ideas for them, and i gave her some new ones that she did not know of. I stayed at the theater while Kate left. I sat here drawing up ideas for different scenes. And watching the actors practice to get inspiration from them.

    The top picture is the gate I fell in love with. And the picture below, I am taking the W from it and keeping the swirl in that the swirl in the gate, and putting the W on the right side of the gate.


  1. Tracy-
    I need you to be MORE SPECIFIC about what you write... For example you say you are in chaarge of creating the Wonka gate and you talked about it with Kate.... what did you talk about? size? color? how it is incorporated in the overall design? lettering? describe the collaborative process and what ideas were discussed. You say you found the pergect gate for inspiration- where did you look for ideas? why is this the "perfect" gate" ? What parts of it will work with your gate?

    You talked props with Kate- what did she show you and what were her ideas for adapting them? what were YOUR ideas? How does working on the tiny details inform your work process on the bigger ideas?

    If you can, scan in some of your ideas and attach them to your blog- talk about what works, what isn't quite right, how it's relevant to the overall design, etc.....

    Understand??? this isn't just a reporting of what happens in your day- It's a reflective description of process and product... think, ponder your answer, dream, describe, analyze....

    I look forward to more entries- check back for my comments.

  2. For the Wonka gate, the gate itself will be 5' wide and I am still playing around with how tall it should be. The color of it will be the color of the metal we are using. I am unsure yet if we are going to leave the color or make it a gray or stone effect. The gate is a big feature in one of the scenes. There is a scrim that will have the Wonka factory drawn on it and the gate will be in front of that.
    The lettering that the W will have on the gate is actually from the old Willy Wonka movie. I saw it, and was able to incorporate the W in the gate.

    I looked online for gates to spark an idea. I did find quite a few that I did like, but Kate showed me the one she found. The gate had swirls and just had the feeling of Willy Wonka. I knew it was the one when she showed me. The gate is not straight, where they meet is like a swirl and we are going to create the W on top of the right side and for the lock we are going to put a "cane" through the center with a duplicate of Wonka's hat. The hat is going to be where the actual lock is. I do have pictures but I am unsure yet how to load them onto here. But when I figure it out, I will load the pictures.

    For props, Kate showed me:
    A pirate wheel-I did not really have an idea untill Kate told me hers. Her idea was to use it behind the scrim when it is black lighted to use as an effect like the Oompas are working on something with like a cog.
    clear little umbrellas- She gave me her ideas. But she really liked my idea. I thought we could use them in the smelting room. Keep them completely how they are, they have bright colors and are clear. They would give off color and you could fill them with something. So, they would look good and fun yet easy to put on the stage and take off.
    plastic balls- Kate thought to use them in the gobstopper machine. I thought that was a good idea but I also thought we could use the balls in the smelting room. Use them as candies that hang off of trees or bushes.
    Jump ropes- use them as vines.
    Asian Fans- This one stumped me. Kate brought up using them on the machines.
    I am unsure what they are called, but there are these long orange colorful (kind of like long pine needles on a stick). I don't know what they are called but they would be perfect to go on top of the "bamboo" stick we found. Together, they would create trees to put in the smelting room.
    The other props we did not go over since they weren't to important in the design aspect.

    Working on the tiny details inspires me to look at the big picture. While working on some details, it makes me think of how I can improve on something else. And it also makes me feel good that the vision I see is coming to life.
