Thursday, June 21, 2012

Saturday June 9th, 12:30-5:30 p.m.

    I show up to the theater and am given the task of building the gate with very little to no help. I have metal pieces. 10 foot long, metal rods. I am also given a metal bender. I am instructed on how to use it. I start bending the metal to try to get use to this material. I have never worked with this material before, so it was a new experience for me. I was able to get the middle spiral and curves for the center of the gate. I worked on that all day. I started out with measurements and winging the bending. I soon found out that I needed to draw  an outline on paper for the metal to bend to what I drew. That worked easier. After I bent the to middle gate pieces, I drew up what I needed for the rest of the gate. That pretty much was what I did all day. (right pictures).

On the left, is the Bucket House being constructed. Jamie ended up taking one of my multiple designs to work off it to build it.

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