Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Misc. 1 Hour:

I was asked to helped out with creating the logo for the shirts (described in an earlier blog). I went to two different printing companies and decided on one. There we discussed design and colors. The shirt colors we decided on were black, white, grey, red, pink and safety green. The logo was the picture I posted before but the lettering will be outlined in purple but the lettering will be the color of the shirt. I saw the screen and it looks fun and Wonka-ish. Everything was going good and it would take a week to a week and a half tops to get the shirts printed and handed out. But there was one dilemma. I got a phone call saying that black would not be good. The company nor me thought of the complication with black. Besides that, the shirts are on there way to being printed.


  1. I enjoyed your photos on the metal work and building the prop candy.... nice. The graphics work is obviously frustrating and also rewarding.
    What are you working on now?
    Describe to me what is happening in the shops for the various 'builds".... explore what is going on in costumes. Are you going to help out with painting the scenery? Who is building the scenery? How far are they in the build? When does the show open? When does it tech?

    These last few entries feel like you are not doing much... what's up?

    1. I will be updating my blog with the past week. In them I will be describing the costumes i helped some with and the scenery.

      The show opens July 11th and tech week is this week. I am nervous for it.

      We usually only do work on sat and sunday. So that is why it seems like I am not doing much. But this past week I did a lot of work during the week to prepare for tech week and pictures. And I will be doing all my missed blogs today because last week was hectic. I went from work right to my internship then when I got home I passed out. So, I did not have time to update my blog. But it will be done tonight since I have time to do it.

      Also, I have more photos to put up and at the very end for my last few blogs I am going to write one about everything I have learned. Which has been a lot of stuff. And I am going to have a blog with all the photos from the beginning and also I am going to put all my drawings on here for you to see.
