Friday, June 8, 2012

Thursday June 7th, Pure Imagination workshop: 5:30-8:30

I showed up to help Kate with this workshop. This workshop was meant to involve the kids who did not make the show. When they showed up, Kate led them to the stage for a tour of what has been created. After the tour, Kate asked them a question for them to draw. We asked them what they thought the candy shack and cart would look like. How the smelting room looks like. And how other stuff would look like. It was fun watching the kids draw their ideas. It was a fun workshop.

After the workshop was over, Kate and I took all the drawings and went to talk about them. We set up the pictures in order of topic. We looked at the kids drawings of the gobstopper machines. We got some great ideas. We are doing designs now that incorporate tubes that balls will roll through, possible use of a funnel, gadgets and gizmos that will  be on the outside of boxes to create a machine. And a start button.
We also got a good idea for the outside of Wonka's factory. A sketch of the factory is going on a scrim, at top it will be fine and slowly blur towards the bottom. The other pictures did give us influence but nothing to dramatic.


  1. It's refreshing to see the ideas from children- they tend to go directly to "source" and are able to capture some elemental level of design. This sounds like a fun way to get a lot of kids involved regardless of getting cast in the show.

    Please remember to write often.... part of your grade is dependent on consistent and insightful blogging.

  2. Sandy,

    I will be catching up this week. I have a weeks worth of blogs already wrote down. I just have to type them on here and publish. And I know there is no excuses at all for not putting them up but I want to inform of what has happened that I have not posted them. I found out not to long ago that there is a good chance I have brain damage or a blockage in my brain. That along with working on stuff for the show I have worn out. And this week I will not have many blogs for since I am at Mayo Clinic. But I am still designing ideas for the show.
