Saturday, May 26, 2012

Intro to Wonka's World

Intro to Wonka's World

    Today I met the director of the show and some of the other head people. We discussed the Bucket House and what would and wouldn't work on stage. I have to go back and redesign  the Bucket House. Along with designing that I am creating ideas for the Wonka gate and other scenes. 
    We also went to the prop shop and found some interesting items. We found items to create "Lorax trees". This route is supposed to create a variety of different trees in the candy wonderland, as I call it. We discussed many possible setups for this scene and found other props to help make the scene come to life. We also searched for props to use for the candy shop, the Bucket House and many other scenes.
    When working today and searching for stuff, my mind exploded with crazy ideas to try. I had a lot of fun with the other people and bouncing ideas off them. I am completely set in a theater mind set as of today. I can't wait for more to come!
    One last addition, I know where I stand and how much I can learn from everyone I am working with. I am hoping to improve in many areas of theater during this internship. I will be working on the set, costume, and lighting for sure as well as other areas. This summer my knowledge of theater will grow more than I have imagined.

Hours: 12:20 p.m.- 4:00 p.m.